NZ Property Guide + Calculator
$50.00 NZD
Approx $30.75 USD
Blurb: Get fully equipped! Learn the ropes by reading the book and then put your new knowledge to good use and start evaluating property deals like a pro.
Book Author: Lisa Dudson
Product Type: Ebook & Calculator Tool
The book component is an an ebook and will work on a Kindle, other e-readers and will also be delivered as a PDF.
About the New Zealand Property Guide
The New Zealand Property Guide is a great resource for both those considering property for the first time and those that have been investing for a while. There are many things that help an investor increase their chances of success. This practical hype-free book is full of information that will help you understand:
- Why property is such a great investment
- How property makes money for you
- The mindset you need to be successful
- How to set clear goals
- The various property strategies and how they each may work for you
- The ins and outs of tax and structures
- The risks involved and how to mitigate them
- How leverage works and how you fund your investments
- The legal process and what due diligence you need to do
- How to manage your property to ensure you get great long term results
- And most importantly how to understand the numbers and maximise the profits you can make
The New Zealand Property Guide also has real life stories from ten very different property investors including:
- How and why they got started
- What worked for them and what didn’t
- What they did
- Their advice to others
About the Cashflow & Equity Calculator
Understanding the numbers is the most critical part of your decision process when buying an investment property. Unfortunately most people spend very little time looking at the cashflows and financials of a property.
Whether you’re buying your first rental property or you have a number of properties, you can use this calculator to help you do the sums.
How it works
You type in figures such as:
- Purchase price
- Loan amount
- Interest rate
- Various annual costs such as rates, insurance, maintenance, etc
- Rental income
- Property management cost
- Chattels value estimate (explained with an attachment)
- Annual expected % increases in capital growth and rent.
- Likewise annual expected % increases in ongoing costs
- Tax rate
The calculator will (over a 15 year period):
- Show you how much of the rent will cover the costs of owning the property and how much you will need to contribute (or what the positive cashflow is)
- Compare the Interest Only and Principal and Interest repayment costs
- Show you the effect of different levels of deposit
- Give you an estimate of your potential tax changes (rebate or extra payment)
- Work out the Gross Cashflow (before tax) and Net Cashflow (after tax)
- Project your capital growth and cashflows forward15 years
- Allow you to manually allow for capital growth and expense increases
- Work out your true Return on Investment over time as well as year-on-year
The iFindProperty Calculator is very easy to use and provides a one page financial analysis of a property going 15 years into the
future. It will be an invaluable tool and help you make good decisions.
The calculator was made in Microsoft Excel. It has been tested on modern versions of Excel for Windows & Mac and on LibreOffice version